Gulf Coast Jaguarundi - Haley Baquian

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  1. I really like the layout of your blog. I think you covered all the information well, and hit all of the key points. Finally I like how you used terms and key words that we have learned in class making it so that we can understand your blog. Plus I had never heard of this species before so that was cool! - Karah Bengs

  2. The format of your blog was very impressive and professional looking. As one of their main threats is "mortality due to vehicle collisions" could a possible solution be to create a habitat corridor, as discussed in lecture, that would redirect jaguarundis into a protected area? I think that a great solution that the recovery plan stated was to create landowner incentives to protect the jaguarundis that have wandered onto privately owned land and are damaging the livestock. This was a similar solution to the species that I researched on. As habitat destruction and fragmentation is the primary cause of their endangerment in the US, are their specific areas that we should be aware of? Are there any direct actions that we can take in improving their habitat? I would've liked a specific organizations that I could volunteer at or somehow get involved in helping this species in the "What Can You Do?" section.
    -Sarah Bach

  3. Your blog was very professional, straightforward and cohesive. The formatting was superb in my opinion. The terms you used were easy to understand and precise, considering many of them were familiar vocabulary from class. I enjoyed learning about the Jagarundy from your blog, since I had never heard of it before. I think you did a good job describing the danger it is in due to habitat fragmentation. Altogether this was very well done and descriptive. -Lucas Bartell


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