Sofia Assi

San Joaquin Kit Fox


  1. Your blog looked very professional. It was very well done. You checked off all of the boxes, and your blog was filled with a lot of information. Your set up was nice, and labeled nicely. And you did a good job of filling your blog with images which were very cute. -Karah Bengs

  2. Visually, your recovery plan looked very professional and impressive, like something that you would see in a published magazine. I liked how to connected information and topics from lecture into your recovery plans with terms such as "umbrella species" and creating corridors to help these foxes navigate through agricultural areas. I specifically liked how you created a list of everyday solutions and steps that we could take in your "What Can We Do?" section; the simplicity and ease of these solutions increases the intrinsic value and likelihood of making the change to improve the conditions for these foxes. I thought that it was interesting how you stated that "Although this species has been listed for over 30 years, there has not been a comprehensive survey of its entire historical range." It really puts the situation into a real perspective that even if a species is listed as threatened or endangered, it is still up to us to make the real difference in improving their well-being.
    -Sarah Bach

  3. I was blown away by your blog. It looked like a professionally made magazine article or textbook, and it was clear you worked hard to make it. The species you chose is very interesting, and I was surprised to hear that it was native to the San Joaquin Valley, which is very near where I live! I liked all of the detailed information you included and the visuals. Good job! -Lucas Bartell

  4. Your blog is very informative in all aspects. I love the formatting - it looks very professional and makes me really want to read the information! Great job overall. -Haley Baquian


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